Our Chapter Officers Matthew GivensChapter President Matthew GivensChapter President As Chapter President, Matthew is responsible for leading his brothers and managing the operations of the chapter. Zack PayneVice President of Member Development Zack PayneVice President of Member Development As Vice President of Member Development, Zack is responsible for managing the chapter’s membership experience. Cameron CastroVice President of Finance Cameron CastroVice President of Finance As Vice President of Finance, Cameron is responsible for managing the chapter’s budget and properly allocating financial resources. Zane WillgruberVice President of Programming Zane WillgruberVice President of Programming As Vice President of Programming, Zane is responsible for the planning and execution of the chapter’s events and functions. Lukas MotleyVice President of Philanthropy Lukas MotleyVice President of Philanthropy As Vice President of Philanthropy, Lukas oversees and coordinates all community service endeavors for the chapter. Miles MoskwaVice President of Recruitment Miles MoskwaVice President of Recruitment As Vice President of Recruitment, Miles is responsible for recruiting the best men on campus. Collin McGloneVice President of Communication Collin McGloneVice President of Communication As Vice President of Communication, Collin is responsible for the chapter’s information, storytelling, and protecting the SigEp brand. Barrett GrayVice President of Excellence Barrett GrayVice President of Excellence As Vice President of Excellence, Barrett upholds the chapter's academic standards, awards standing, and career development. Caleb BinkleyChaplain Caleb BinkleyChaplain As the Chaplain, Caleb is responsible for holding all members accountable to the cardinal principles and standards of membership. PabloChapter Hound PabloChapter Hound As Chapter Hound, Pablo dedicates himself to loyalty and love for his brothers.